September 7th Water Shut Down

Attention – There is a water shutdown required to tie in the new watermain from the alley downtown to the city system. This shutdown will affect most of the northern part of Lanesboro. Please see the attached map for the estimated affected area. This work is currently scheduled to begin at 3 am on Wednesday, September 7th and last until 5 am on Wednesday, September 7th . If there is a delay due to weather, this shutdown will be rescheduled to the following morning to begin at 3 am on Thursday, September 8th and last until 5 am on Thursday, September 8th .


Underground utility work is planned to begin next week in the alley between Parkway Ave and Rochelle Ave. The gravel road base and storm sewer is planned to begin next week on Beacon Street. Private gas infrastructure has been partially replaced and will continue. Please follow all traffic signs and use caution around these areas.

Pleasant/Sheridan Alley

Underground utility work in the alley is nearly complete. There will be underground utility connections made at the intersections of Pleasant St. and Sheridan St. soon. The gravel road base will then be installed.

If you have any questions, please contact Jordan Pankonin at 507-735-2742. For further information, please visit the project website