Virtual Meetings
All Meetings will be virtual due to the new mandates and to help stop the spread of coronavirus.
All Meetings will be virtual due to the new mandates and to help stop the spread of coronavirus.
This year the Lanesboro American Legion Post #40 will not be placing collection boxes for toys in area locations, instead will host a drive-up donation day on Saturday, November 21st. Donations may be dropped off curbside at the Lanesboro American Legion, 103 Elmwood, Lanesboro, from 9am-2pm. Because of the pandemic many families are struggling economically and there is
For Grant Guidelines and the application click here. The City of Lanesboro adopted, on October 5, 2020, the following grant program recommended by the Lanesboro Economic Development Authority (EDA). Through grant funding provided by the Southern Minnesota Initiative Foundation, Lanesboro EDA will provide a $200.00 grant to small businesses located within the 55949 zip code.
The Lanesboro Park Board has approve a quote from Norby Tree Service for work in Sylvan Park. A large number of dead ash trees will be removed in the coming weeks. The park board also approved the use of some budgeted dollars towards the replacement of new trees at the proper time for planting
The City of Lanesboro is seeking applicants to serve on the various boards with terms starting January 2021. If you are interested in serving your community the available boards include Lanesboro Public Utilities Commission, Planning and Zoning, Historic Preservation Commission, Economic Development Authority, Library Board, and Park Board. Applications will be accepted until November 25th
Board Members Needed Read More »
Thanksgiving Day Thursday November 26th at Discovery Faith Community from 11am to 1pm. See flyer for more details.
Free Thanksgiving Dinner Read More »
League of women voters – Lanesboro Candidate forum Oct 14, 2020 The appearance on or use of this website platform for political campaigning is voluntary and not subsidized or promoted by the City of Lanesboro. It is a private effort. Any appearance or nonappearance of a candidate on this website platform is not to be
League of women voters – Lanesboro Candidate forum Oct 14, 2020 Read More »
As of today Wednesday October 21st the water to the individual sites at Riverview Campground and Sylvan Park Campground have been turned off due to the freezing over night temperatures. The bath house will remain open at this time for restrooms and coin operated showers. Camp sites are available with electric hook ups.
Water Shut Off Notice Campgrounds Read More »
The Brush Dump is closed today Wednesday October 21st through Friday October 23rd for burning.
LOCAL BUSINESS EDUCATIONAL EVENT – October 28, 2020 Join us for an 8:00 am online zoom session to learn how to create relevant and consistent content to effectively attract online customers for the upcoming holiday season. The consultant, Jamie Bjerke, will share tips for growing and using email marketing along with identifying which social media platform is best for