

LOCAL BUSINESS EDUCATIONAL EVENT – October 28, 2020 Join us for an 8:00 am online zoom session to learn how to create relevant and consistent content to effectively attract online customers for the upcoming holiday season. The consultant, Jamie Bjerke, will share tips for growing and using email marketing along with identifying which social media platform is best for […]


Grants for small businesses – Rent and Mortgage Relief Programs – $500,000

Fillmore County approves $500,000 of the County’s CARES Act Fund for small businesses These dollars will be in the form of an Economic Development relief grant, up to a $10,000 maximum per eligible business, applications will become available soon on the Fillmore County Website Recipients must comply with all Federal and State CARES Act fund guidelines. 

Grants for small businesses – Rent and Mortgage Relief Programs – $500,000 Read More »

virtual Entrepreneurial Bridge

Join us for our virtual Entrepreneurial Bridge! “Thriving in Uncertain Times” – September 29

Join us for our sixth annual Entrepreneurial Bridge Event on September 29, 2020 which will be held virtually from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m.!  Attendees will be able to network with fellow entrepreneurs from southern Minnesota, listen to keynote speakers, and hear from a panel of small business owners about how they have adapted to

Join us for our virtual Entrepreneurial Bridge! “Thriving in Uncertain Times” – September 29 Read More »

Lanesboro EDA Free Business Enrichment Series Course is about to begin. Sign up today!

LANESBORO EDA Free BUSINESS ENRICHMENT SERIES Paycheck Protection Program Forgiveness – August 12, 9 – 10:30 a.m. This virtual business training is for individuals that used SBA’s Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loan funds and are seeking the proper procedure to apply for forgiveness of a portion of the loan. Presenters: Alisha Podobinski, Lead Lender Relations

Lanesboro EDA Free Business Enrichment Series Course is about to begin. Sign up today! Read More »

LPU NOTICE 4/21/20

LPU NOTICE 4/21/20 Published date: 04-21-2020 4/21/20 The LPU commission voted in favor of extending the protections of the Cold Weather Rule by restricting disconnection of residential customers for non-payment of utility bills for the duration of the national security or peacetime emergency. Waiver of late fees for any residential or small business customer due to

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Lanesboro Ambulance Notice

Lanesboro Ambulance Notice Published date: 04-03-2020 During these uncertain times related to the COVID-19 pandemic, emergency medical services (EMS) and first responders remain committed to providing the best care to those in need within our community.  While we prepare and train for all emergencies, no plan can anticipate all possible variables, and the COVID-19 pandemic poses

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Lanesboro City Campgrounds

Riverview Campground Closed for 2020 Season

Published date: 01-16-2020 Riverview Campground Closed for 2020 Season The rehabilitation project for the Lanesboro Dam will begin Spring of 2020. During this process, Riverview Campground will be closed and there will be no access to the construction area. In addition, the Lanesboro Dam Parking Lot will also be unavailable during the project. We apologize for

Riverview Campground Closed for 2020 Season Read More »