Housing Developers
Lanesboro Resources
- City of Lanesboro Economic Development Authority – EDA
- City of Lanesboro Planning and Zoning Department – PZD
- Fillmore County Housing Study 2019 – Download
- Fillmore County Housing Redevelopment Authority (HRA) and SEMCAC
- How to transition from a Contractor to a Developer – Learn More
- Small Cities Development Program
- Learn more about housing programs HERE, using this handy spreadsheet with program descriptions and links.

Developer Resources
Local Initiatives
Local Comprehensive Housing Needs Study – View it here
Contact the EDA – cathy.enerson@cedausa for more information about land and funding opportunities
Housing Incentive for New Construction – program pending
Greater Mn Housing Project Financing Tools – Learn more here

Housing Assistance Council
The Housing Assistance Council (HAC) offers a three-part webinar series, covering the process from start to finish, the financial risks and rewards for rural housing organizations, and more. The webinars are free and recordings will be posted online.
Session 1: An Overview was held on April 27. Session 2: From Project Inception Through Land Acquisition, and Session 3: From Land Acquisition to Completion
Need capital for your affordable housing project?

HAC’s loan fund provides low-interest rate loans to support single- and multifamily affordable housing projects for low-income rural residents throughout the U.S. and territories. Capital is available for all types of affordable and mixed-income housing projects, including preservation, new development, farmworker, senior and veteran housing. HAC loan funds can be used for pre-development, site acquisition, site development, construction/rehabilitation, and permanent financing. Contact HAC’s loan fund staff at hacloanfund@ruralhome.org, 202-842-8600.
Please note: HAC is not able to offer loans to individuals or families. Borrowers must be nonprofit or for-profit organizations or government entities (including tribes)
Greater Minnesota Housing: Program Guide for project capital, contact the EDA Director to set up a meeting with Greater MN Housing.
DEED Resources
DEED Workforce Housing program – Program Link
This competitive funding program targets small to medium-sized cities, communities, or areas in Greater Minnesota with rental workforce housing needs. Funding is available to build market-rate residential rental properties in communities with proven job growth and demand for workforce rental housing. Communities are required to secure funds that match one dollar for every two dollars in funding offered through this program.
Developers and Contractors Gap Financing
Developers and contractors, there are indeed gaps in financing projects. To find out how your gap and how tax credits can affect the project use this tool kit to determine your gap for a 50-unit apartment building, then present these gaps to the Lanesboro EDA and or your bank.
Bridge gaps with tools like those found at MN Housing List of Resources which includes Workforce Housing Grant Program Housing Counts

Housing Counts
Use the wide variety of resources available on ULI Housing Counts.
The site is already home to interactive tools such as the Mixed-Income Housing Calculator, policy best practices found in the Minnesota Housing Policy Toolbox, and more!
- Utilize Tax Increment Financing to Fund a Mix of Housing
Municipalities increasingly use tax increment financing to fund community development initiatives, including the production of affordable homes. Improvements are paid for by borrowing against the anticipated increase in property tax revenue or rebating the increment to the developer. - Stimulate Construction or Rehab through Tax Abatements
Tax abatements involve freezing or lowering property taxes on a specified lot for a designated period of time. Abatements can be offered to encourage construction or rehab of rental homes or to help homeowners stay in their homes. - Adopt Tax Levies in Support of Housing Strategies
Cities and Counties have the local authority to establish a Housing and Redevelopment Authority with the ability to levy a special tax specifically in support of providing affordable, safe, and decent housing as well as to remove community blight. - Create or Expand Dedicated Housing Trust Funds
Housing trust funds are flexible sources of financing for affordable homes and work best when supported by a stable, dedicated funding source. Trust funds can be a useful tool for supplementing other housing programs. - Expand and Support Use of the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit
The Low-Income Housing Tax Credit program helps developers access capital for the construction and rehabilitation of homes for working families. Greater use of this resource can help communities expand the number of federal dollars available for affordable homes. - Provide Pre-Development and Acquisition Financing
Up-front expenses, including the costs associated with purchasing land, can present a barrier to small, community-based nonprofits and other developers of affordable homes. Pre-development and acquisition financing helps organizations obtain the resources to keep development on track. - Support Housing Bond Issues
Tax-exempt housing revenue bonds or general obligation bonds may be issued by local or state governments to support affordable housing. They may be repaid by project revenues or through tax levies or appropriations authorized by the legislature. - Encourage and Work with Employers’ Commitment to Affordable Homes for Workers
In communities lacking an adequate supply of homes affordable to working families, employers can have difficulty maintaining a qualified workforce. Growing numbers of employers are getting involved in efforts to increase the availability of homes for their workers and the broader community. - Use Cross-Subsidies to Support Mixed-Income Communities
In strong housing markets, non-profit or mission-driven developers can use profits from the sale or rental of market-rate homes to subsidize the development cost of affordable homes. - Housing Revenue Bonds and Tax-exempt Mortgage Notes
Tools that may be used to finance the acquisition and rehabilitation of renter-occupied residential units. Multifamily Housing Revenue Bonds are used for affordable and mixed-income rental housing for families and seniors. The Entitlement Housing Revenue Bonds come with an automatic 4% tax credit allocation.

Housing Rehab Programs
These programs assist homeowners, and rental property owners improve their homes or property. Projects include Small Cities Development and Loan Programs for Homeowners, such as Rehab Loans.
Housing Developments
SEMCAC staff is available to help communities identify housing needs and determine resources to create housing development or rehab opportunities. Visit this page for more information about housing development projects that Semcac has been involved in making possible.
Bluff Country Housing & Redevelopment Authority (HRA)
SEMCAC staff provides the administration for the Bluff Country HRA in Fillmore and Houston counties. Check this page for information about the Bluff Country HRA Board meetings; Housing developments in Spring Grove, Preston, and Houston; Housing Studies results.
Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE)
PACE: Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) program in the state of Minnesota.
This program was created by the state legislature as a funding mechanism for renewable energy and energy efficiency upgrades for businesses and non-profits. Fillmore County passed a joint powers agreement with the St. Paul Port Authority making this program available to Lanesboro businesses. The process generally starts with an energy use assessment. These can be any of the energy efficiency options available through Lanesboro Public Utilities, or some other no-cost options available throughout the state. Here are a couple of links to learn more about the program, and read about some examples of its use in the region: https://www.minnpace.com/