Paycheck Protection Program Funds Are Available To Businesses With Less Than 20 Employees
The SBA has opened a two-week window for small business and non-profits with fewer than 20 employees to apply for PPP funding.
The (SBA) would like to provide more equity for small businesses with less than 20 employees, including sole proprietors, independent contractors, and the self-employed to have access to Paycheck Protection Program loan funds.
The SBA has opened a two-week window for small business and non-profits with fewer than 20 employees to apply for PPP funding. That window opened on Feb. 24 and will extend through Tuesday, March 9.
Access to relief is a lot of work for you, but if your business activity is down, please file, these programs are meant for you. Past PPP programs have provided many entrepreneurs with forgivable loans. As always if you have success stay in touch, and if you need something stay in touch. The EDA is here to be of assistance to you.