Restoration Project Underway
You may have noticed some movement along the Root River on the North side of Lanesboro. A scour hole has developed at the base of the slope along the Root River impacting the property currently used as the Lanesboro Fire Hall. This scour hole has caused the stream bank to erode and undermine the buildings’ footings. The streambank adjacent to the property is mostly composed of undesirable trees – boxelders, buckthorn, etc. which are shading out the vegetation required to maintain a stable slope.
Over the next few months the entire slope is going to be restored to protect the integrity of the building. Riprap will be placed over the lower portion of the slope to prevent another scour hole. The existing trees will be removed and replaced with native prairie grasses and forbs. The natives were chosen as they develop a deep root structure which will help prevent erosion, sediment entering the river, and scouring during flood events. Topsoil will be scattered amongst the riprap and natives will also be planted in this area to make the lower riprap portion of the slope more aesthetically pleasing to the users of the river. A large rock J-Hook will also be placed in the river to dissipate energy, deflect the stream flow to the center of the river, reduce downstream streambank erosion, and create pools. This will help protect the east abutment on the historic bridge just downstream and provide fish habitat.
A permit to complete this work has been issued from both the City of Lanesboro and the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources.